Friday, November 7, 2014

30 Days of Gratitude: As sure as the first evening star... (Day 7)

If you haven't seen Disney's The Rescuers, you should. It is a heartwarming tale of adventure, of rescue, and most importantly, of faith. At one point in the movie, Rufus the cat reminds Penny to have faith: "Faith is a bluebird, you see it from afar. It's for real, and as sure as the first evening star. You can't touch it, or buy it, or wrap it up tight, but it's there just the same, making things turn out right."
As sure as the first evening star... (Day 7)
I often struggle having faith that things will turn out right. I have to give myself constant reminders that things will work out in time. But with most things in which we have difficulty, we always learn.
I am grateful for my faith, especially in the times I need it the most. Knowing that I am just a small part in a bigger plan is something that gives me relief and peace on the days when it feels like nothing is going right.
I am grateful for my faith when things are going well. It reminds me to savor every moment, and to hold onto these moments. I remember them and reflect on them when the going gets tough. I am soothed knowing that if God can bring joy to my everyday life, then I know in my heart he can also calm the storms I must weather.
Finally, I am grateful for my friends who have faith. When I question mine, or have problems, or want to give up, they are there with words of reassurance and the eternal picture of our lives.
Keep the faith, my dear readers. "It's there just the same, making things turn out right."

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